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I have a confirmation number. Am I guaranteed to get invited to sponsor my parents and grandparents?

No. All potential sponsors who successfully submit an interest to sponsor form receive a confirmation number. After the interest to sponsor form closes, we review the submissions, remove duplicates and randomize the list. We’ll invite potential sponsors to submit a complete application from the randomized list of interest to sponsor forms we received.

When we invite a group of potential sponsors to submit a complete application, we call this a round of invitations. Depending on when the intake happens in a given year and the number of complete applications we receive, we may do more than 1 round of invitations.

Not everyone who’s invited to apply submits a complete application by the deadline in their invitation. Because of this, we send more invitations than the application target for a given intake.

For the 2024 intake, we’ll invite enough sponsors to receive up to 20,500 complete applications. We’ll post the status of those who have been invited to apply on our website on May 31, 2024. You’ll be able to look up your confirmation number to find out if you’re invited to apply.

If you aren’t invited to apply

If you’d like your parents and grandparents to come to Canada, the super visa is another option. Your parents and grandparents may be eligible to apply for a super visa to stay in Canada for 5 years at a time.

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